The annual Carols by Candlelight will take place on Christmas Eve at 4.30pm. The church flower team will have performed its usual magic and the church will be full of colour and glowing candles. This is a very special service: we will hear of how the events of that first ever Christmas unfolded, there will be joyful carol singing and the children will take the figures to the crib. Afterwards everyone is invited to mulled wine and mince pies in the Meeting Room. Don’t forget to bring a torch to light your way to and from the church.
On Christmas Day there will be Holy Communion (BCP) at 08.00
On Sunday 29th December 2023 Joint Parishes Eucharist with Fishbourne at 09:30 at Apuldram
Collection for homeless
At this time of year we remember those who have no homes. Please can we do this again this year? We invite you to donate items of warm clothing, hats, gloves, socks and scarfs, which we will deliver to Stonepillow in time for Christmas. Small treats such as chocolate are welcome, too. Donations can be brought to the services where there will be a box to place them in or alternatively contact a church member.
Michael Thrower whose funeral was held at St Mary’s on 21st November. In our thoughts and prayers are his wife Barbara, daughter Sara and granddaughter Eloise, together with their families and friends.
Please read the important Notice (see under What’s On and News) relating to the Draft Pastoral Scheme for the proposed benefice of Fishbourne and Apuldram. 9th December is the deadline for representations to reach Shaman Durrant, whose contact details are at the foot of the notice.
Drainage work on Appledram Lane
Almost finished but not quite! The work was due to finish on 29th November but it still looks to be ongoing. Hopefully this coming week (2 December) will bring completion, heavy rainfall will be drained away without flooding, there will be access to the church from the Dell Quay end again and traffic on the Manhood Peninsula will move more easily. Over a month of work must surely bring a positive outcome.
Remembrance Sunday
St Mary’s Meeting Room is available to hire Please email [email protected] for information