MARCH 2025
Have you remembered to complete your electoral roll application form?
Applications for Apuldram close on 20th March, so time is running out. If you have not already got a form you can collect one from church, or ask either Mthr Jessica [email protected] / 07490 186684 or Apuldram’s Electoral Roll Officer, Alan Stott, at [email protected] The forms can be returned either digitally or in a hard copy to Mthr Jessica or Alan. If you would like an explanation of what the electoral roll is, do please ask.
Special Services in March
5th March – Ash Wednesday – 6 pm Eucharist with imposition of ashes.
30th March – Mothering Sunday – 9.30am family Eucharist with Fishbourne at Apuldram.
Ann Dudley Smith who died last month following a stroke, aged 99. Anne was a committed member of the church community and worshipped at both Apuldram and Fishbourne. She led a full and fascinating life: sportswoman, teacher, housemistress, stockbroker, bridge player. Both church communities will miss her greatly. Please keep her in your prayers, together with her nephew James, his family and her many friends. There will be a Service of Thanksgiving for her life at Fishbourne on Thursday 13th March at 13.30.
As part of the cathedral’s Chichester950 celebrations there is an opportunity to join a silent pilgrimage from Stoughton to the Cathedral on 22nd March. If you are interested you can contact the Rector of Westbourne.
EasyfundraisingIt really is easy to raise funds for St Mary’s! Just start your online shopping journey at easyfundraising, then shop as normal with any of its 7,000+ brand partners. When you make a purchase, the brand partner will make a small donation to your chosen cause.
Here’s how to do it:
- Go to
- Click on “Find a cause”
- In the box type St Mary’s Church – Apuldram, then click Search Cause
- On the next page click on St Mary’s Church – Apuldram
- This page shows you how to sign up and support St Mary’s
It is very straightforward and we could raise so much more for the church if everyone gave their support. Next time you shop online please go to easyfundraising and sign up if you have not already done so.
Lent Appeal for USPG – “Bring Care in Crisis”USPG is partnering with the Diocese of Jerusalem to support healthcare services that are a lifeline for those in desperate need.
Millions of people in Gaza and the West Bank are living amidst conflict, displacement, and economic hardship. Many are suffering from malnutrition, respiratory illnesses, and injuries without reliable access to medical care. Your generosity helps hospitals and clinics continue their life-saving mission to vulnerable communities.
If you would like to donate please go to or make a cheque out to USPG and pass it to our Treasurer who will forward it on after Easter.
Information on this appeal can be found on the USPG website:
St Mary’s Meeting Room is available to hire Please email [email protected] for information