Apuldram Around


Electoral Roll

2025 is the year when we start afresh with the electoral roll. What is the electoral roll? Mthr Jessica explains: “Every parish church in the Church of England has an electoral roll.  Simply put, it is a list of people who are a part of our church or connected with it, perhaps by attending worship or living nearby.  It is a helpful record of who and how many people are connected with each parish church.  The roll size contributes to decisions about the collection and distribution of resources.

Who can be on the electoral roll?
To join you must be:

  • 16 years or over
  • Baptised into the Christian faith
  • A lay person (not an ordained person)”
    Application forms and further information on joining the electoral roll are being handed out in church each Sunday.  They are also available through either Mthr Jessica [email protected] / 07490 186684 or through Apuldram’s Electoral Roll Officer, Alan Stott, at [email protected]

    Year of Faith

    2025 is the Diocesan Year of Faith, a celebration of 950 years of Christian witness in our area.  On 10th February at 5pm there is a Deanery Celebration Service at Southbourne Church to which all are encouraged to attend.

    to Lynda, a member of our PCC, whose husband Martin died suddenly at the end of January.  Please keep Lynda, her daughter Steph and all their family in your prayers.

    Quiz at Fishbourne
    A reminder that the Quiz and Ploughman’s Supper at Fishbourne takes place on Friday 21st February.  To sign up contact Caroline Sheppard or at fishbournechurch.uk/event/quiz   Tickets are £10 and there will be a cash bar and raffle.





St Mary’s Meeting Room is available to hire Please email [email protected] for information