Contact Us

The church is open every day from Easter through to the end of October. Due to insurance requirements it is kept closed during the winter months, except for services.

Mother Jessica Reid
[email protected]
The Rectory: 01243 533112
The Rectory, 199 Whyke Road,  Chichester PO19 7AQ

Church email: [email protected] 

Information about St Mary’s Meeting Room
Please email [email protected]

Church Contacts  
The Churchwarden
Deputy Churchwarden
Mrs Hilary Caine
[email protected]
The Treasurer
Mr Graham Pound
[email protected]
The PCC Secretary
Mr David Moore (Minutes)
Mrs Hilary Caine
[email protected]
Electoral Roll Officer
Dr Alan Stott
[email protected]

How to find us

Please note that the following address is not the postal address. Correspondence should be addressed to the Priest in Charge, Mother Jessica Reid, at The Rectory, 199 Whyke Road,  Chichester PO19 7AQ

St Mary the Virgin, Church Road, off Appledram Lane South, Chichester, PO20 7EF.

Grid Reference: 50.823709N, 000.806572W


“Apuldram Around”
The parish newsletter is circulated electronically each month except August.  If you would like to receive a copy please let us know by emailing [email protected]