Our Safeguarding Officer is: Louisa Stodd who can be contacted on fishbournesafeguarding@gmail.com and 01243 784283
As a Church, we take our safeguarding responsibilities towards children and vulnerable adults very seriously and endeavour to ensure that all those within our congregation can be part of, and enjoy our services in a safe way.
We have a defined recruitment policy for recruiting any paid staff, and the many volunteers who are essential to the smooth running of our church activities.
On a regular basis we review the latest guidance issued by the relevant church and statutory agencies and implement their recommendations when required.
We follow and comply with the Safeguarding Programme, (SQP), operated by the Chichester Diocese.
The members of the PCC are committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of all our members, recognising that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and implementing all the safeguarding policies and practise guidance issued by the House of Bishops.
We carefully select and train all those who work or volunteer in positions of trust on behalf of the Church, using the Disclosure and Barring Service, amongst other tools , to check the background of each person.
We do, and will respond, without delay, to every concern made, that a person for whom we have responsibility, may have been harmed. And we will co-operate fully with the statutory agencies during any investigation concerning a member of the Church community. We will seek to ensure that anyone for whom we have pastoral responsibility who has suffered abuse, is offered support that meets their needs.
The safeguarding policy, which can be viewed on the notice boards in both the church and the hall is reviewed annually.
We expect that all groups who hire the hall are aware of our safeguarding measures, and if they are responsible for young people or the vulnerable they must adhere to these guidelines. Or for those groups who have their own safeguarding policy, a copy of it is required to be kept in the Church Office.
Members of the PCC, and those who hold positions of responsibilities are expected to undertake the diocesan training on a regular basis. We have completed, and update when necessary the Diocesan SQP.